Faction #2 - Robot Army

The second faction, and the primary rival of the Steel Legion, at least at this early point in the timeline. 


The République Universelle Raffiné.

The idea with this faction was to create a group that you could really see why some would hate them, and some would love them. They've got a lot of real issues but many undeniably admirable ones too.

Plus, if this project ever gets to the model making stage, I think their droids (wait, can't use that term, Disney will sue me) could be really fun, especially with a design focus on more odd shapes. Like the uncomfortably lanky and pill-headed 545

The art was a comm from @setzeri


The Swarm - R.U.R.pdf 63 kB
Jun 04, 2022

Get The Swarm: A Trans-Human Skirmish Game

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