A UFO that walks like an Octopus!

The R-777 Starfish: Hazardous Waste Location and Disposal

With heavy industry comes toxins, dangerous waste that must be disposed of, and while it might be the inclination of some to do the bare minimum by shoving it in rusting yellow barrels and forgetting about it, such a thought it unthinkable to the dedicated terraformers of the system. Thorough and extreme are the only options to them, and the 777 is one facet of that belief. Able to easily stride over broken and unstable environments it gathers and compresses hazardous material in its core for later disposal. The unique shape also serves as a warning to R.U.R. citizens to vacate dangerous areas, unmistakable for any more common bot.

With a body divided into two main segments, the core and the tendrils, it stands on average 7’ (2.1m tall), though it can easily stretch its seven segmented tendrils to almost twice that height when needed. The core is formed of a tapered heptagon, roughly 2.5’ (0.76m) in the centre, and 0.5’ (0.15m) at the edges with a diameter of 7’. A 777’ in good repair is almost blinding with it’s shining chrome, the only colour on it coming from it’s sensor systems, and any splatters of toxic substance that hit it. It’s processors and sensors are located along the cores edges, as the centre is the toxic waste reservoir. On combat ready models, one edge of the heptagon has been replaced with a perforated grill that allows the bot to fire bursts of near molten flechettes, meant to harass targets and create holes in their defences for the follow through, when a significant quantity of toxic material is jettisoned at them, wreaking havoc on flesh and electronics alike. The splash can cause horrific burns, sensory impairment, and disruption to now unshielded electronic systems. It has also proven to be a potent weapon of fear, to those capable of feeling it anyway.

Get The Swarm: A Trans-Human Skirmish Game

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