November and Going Forward

Well, as anyone who see's the logs could probably guess, I'm out of art and it will probably be a while before I get more (stuff costs money ya know) , but I am still working on The Swarm

Specifically, since it is now NaNo, I'm writing some in-universe fiction for it, with the intent to get back to the rules in December. Now, I'm not a fast writer, by a long shot, so I'm not gonna hit the 50k ultimate word goal, no way. Instead, I'm working on three short stories, one examining each of the initial factions, to try and give the reader a better idea of them, and just the world I'm trying to make in general.

So, if I can power through this all month, they should be mostly complete by the end, at least as a first draft. If they're not completely terrible maybe I'll format them into a little free ebook

Get The Swarm: A Trans-Human Skirmish Game

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