The Swarm - Going Forward

I've got a problem

Ok,  I've got a lot of problems, but when it comes to working on projects like The Swarm, an attention deficit disorder is a big one. I want to keep going with the project, to make it something even if at the end of the day I'm the only one who notices, so I'm going to try a few things.

While The Swarm is still far from playable, even if you except the fact that I can't produce art assets or 3d models on my own, I'm going to keep updating the files here in small increments, to try and keep up personal momentum and maybe catch some attention, who knows.

So today, I offer up the first of the unit cards, obviously in a pre-alpha state. The initial Coordinator archetype of the Steel Legion, the Overseer, as well as a short thematic introduction to the faction. In the coming days the file will be updated with the rest of the factions initial five archetype units, as well as the other two members of the Core Three.

Will this mean anything to anyone? Probably not, but hey, if you actually read this, and the files, thanks. 

It means a lot to me.


The Swarm - Steel Legion.pdf 63 kB
Jun 01, 2022

Get The Swarm: A Trans-Human Skirmish Game

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